Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Hump Day!

(I actually wrote this yesterday but then got distracted before publishing it)

Today was an exciting one--I ventured downstairs!!  Wahoo!  After two full days of staying up on the 3rd floor I figured it was time for a change of scenery.  So I write this from my horizontal position on the family room couch.  Well, enough about my exciting life..  :)

A big wet weather system has moved into southern Cali and we have rain today, supposed to be drier tomorrow, and then yet another front coming in Friday and lasting all weekend.  The temps are dropping to what is typical San Diego "winter" weather (highs in the upper 50s) and that means snow in the local mountains!  I'm bummed that I won't be able to jump in the car and ride up there this weekend.  I love snow! (I know a lot of you east coasters are rolling your eyes at me right now).  Here's a pic from Fall 2009 when we took Chloë to see her first snow.

Back to the Heather took Chloë to Target today and they tried on some rain boots.  Here is a little video clip of her attempt to walk in them. NOTE: they boots ARE NOT tied together (as I assumed when I first watched it).  It doesn't take much to amuse me these days...but this is pretty cute...even if I am a bit biased, being the mother and all...

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh out loud. Funnier than your mom playing Batman on the accoridan. She is soooo cute. She really resembles the Thomas side here.
