Sunday, March 27, 2011

31 Weeks and Counting...

31 weeks today!  According to my doctor 32 weeks is (yet another) big milestone as almost all babies born at 32 weeks will eventually catch up physically and developmentally with their peers.    The rates of long-term issues is much lower after the 32 week point.  Let's hope for one more week, at least!  Who knows, I could still hold out until May even.  Only time will tell.

I'm feeling as big as a house today.  I think my belly has expanded again overnight.  I had a huge contraction last night while laying bed.  It was the painless, Braxton Hicks kind, but it was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen.  I felt the top of my belly tightening up into a big ball and I glanced down and was shocked to see that it looked like Baby B had sat straight up and that his head was bulging out of my stomach.  The area above my belly button looked like a mountain.  Basically, from the side my belly resembled two distinct camel humps.  Myke was sleeping so he missed the excitement but I reached for my phone and tried to take a photo of the bizarre distortion of my stomach.  The photo didn't turn out, unfortunately.  The whole thing was just really freaky.  Guess you had to be there.

Babies are still pretty active.  Baby A gets hiccups at least once per day.  When they move it's more of a rolling sensation than kicks and punches.  Not the most comfortable feeling, but I'm glad to feel them move of course!

We've had a nice weekend.  I've enjoyed being able to sit outside for a bit here and there instead of being stuck laying flat in bed or on the couch all the time.  My next appointment is Tuesday so I'm enjoying the extra "freedom" before seeing my actual doctor, who is more conservative than the doctor I saw this past Wednesday.  I'm not sure if he'll want me to go back to being more restrictive with what I do or if he'll decide that since I'm past 31weeks that I can add a few more activities to my daily life.  Eager to find out either way, but at the same time enjoying every minute of the little bit of extra freedom I'm allowed while I have it.  I guess it will all depend on what the ultrasound shows.  I don't recall if I mentioned it or not, but Baby B's fluid was "on the low side" last Wednesday.  Dr. Kelly re-checked it (after the tech checked it) and said that while it was low, it wasn't low enough for him to feel the need to deliver the boys that day, and that it was just something we need to keep an eye on.  He felt that it was fine for me to wait to have it checked until my Tuesday appointment, but that if it was still low I may have to have it checked multiple times per week.  So I'm definitely interested to see how that is going.  In the meantime I've just been keeping an eye on Baby B's movements to make sure he's still going strong.  Also, drinking a lot of water.

Today was the VCU/Kansas basketball game-- I'm not a big basketball fan, but I caught the end of the game-- Go Rams!  Wooo!

Here are some photos from the weekend:

Chloë got a Minnie Mouse cup in the mail from her cousins (they just visited Disney World). 

Lunch in the front yard on Saturday- baked ziti face!

In their Sunday best

Kyla lounging on the porch- lazy Sunday!

Chloë & Myke had a father-daughter outing to Sea World today.  
Lunch time!

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