Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Eve of My Possible Induction...

And I'm googling "what to pack in hospital bag".  Better late than never!  You'd think I'd know by the 4th child/3rd delivery.  I guess I do know, but I wanted to just double-check and see if I've forgotten anything.  I've never been at the hospital while experiencing labor so maybe there are some things I would need for that?  Isn't Myke supposed to roll tennis balls on my lower back during contractions?  Will I want some hard candies to suck on?  Are you even allowed things like that during labor?  I hope Myke has brushed up on labor coach duties...because that will be something new for him!

It's odd KNOWING that tomorrow is "the big day"...even though it was less than 2 years ago that I went through this with the boys with the scheduled C-section.  Surprisingly, I slept really well the night before they were born.  Hopefully, tonight will be the same.  It's strange thinking this might be my LAST night of real sleep for a very long time.  Disturbing!  It could be my last night of decent sleep IN MONTHS!!  It took the twins 8 months before they would sleep until 5am.  So there is A LOT of pressure for this to be an amazing night of restful sleep.  This is why I'm in bed by 9pm tonight.  Just to enjoy every minute of my comfy bed and (hopefully) sleep.  Ahhhhhh.   Sleep will be missed.  Luckily, all the kids sleep AWESOME right now.  They all do about 12 hours at night and no one really gets up until 7am.  Yes, that probably sounds dismal to my childless friends, not being able to EVER sleep past 7am, even on the weekend.  However, it's glorious!  I know a lot of parents whose kids get up for the day at 5:30/6am ...OR still wake up in the night for one reason or another.  Or wake up in the night when sick or teething.  Lucky for us, none of our kids ever woke up at nights when teething...and when they are sick they usually sleep even better than usual.  I hope it's genetic and this baby is JUST like them.  Slim chance?   Only time will tell...

Well, we'll see how tomorrow goes.  I'll either go have a baby or I'll come back home and hope that labor starts on its own over the next week.

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