Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Trouble Maker Chloë

Here we are starting into week #3 of having an elementary school student.  It has been a ride so far, let me tell you!   In the car on the way home from school today I asked Chloë how her day went and she said, "Well, I didn't get sent to the office today."  Ha.  Well, that's good!

Back story: Chloë went to the office twice last week (or maybe one time was the first week...can't keep track!.  Nice) after getting minor injuries in the classroom.  The first time a boy and her were arguing over a toy and apparently he scratched her side (or something like that...the teacher had to relay this story to me in Spanish at the hurried pick-up time at the end of the day, so I could have missed some detail).  She was fine.  I saw no mark on her side but apparently she and the boy were sent to the office to get an ice-pack for her and to call the boys' parents (!!!).  WHO is this boy?!  I WILL find out!  

Theennnnn, a couple days later I was told she was sent to the office AGAIN after the boy at the desk next to her poked her in the face with a marker.  A DIFFERENT boy than the first, I was told.  He is "very hands on" according to Maestra Castillo (her teacher).  He was moved to a different desk in the classroom so he and Chloë are no longer neighbors.   Oh my...!  My kindergartener is already KNOWN in the office at her elementary school.  She is a on first name basis with the school nurse.  She's had two ice-packs.

THEN today I sent her to school with a BLACK EYE.   I will have to take a picture, but she was roughhousing on the couch with a friend over Labor Day weekend and must have bumped her face a way that caused a black eye.  She never cried or acted like she got hurt but suddenly her eye swelled up into a hard ball.  We put ice on it, trying to figure out if she got bit or stung by something (??) or if it was an injury (because it looked like something that would have definitely caused tears if it were injury-related).  Today, two days post-apparent-run-in-with-couch it's black and blue.  Looks bad!

Thanks GOODNESS school picture day was last week!

Gramma at Moonlight Beach with the boys

Night out with my Momma!
(she took me to dinner and to a play for my birthday present)

Gramma has A LOT of patience...teaching games to 3 year old boys!

And...cooking with 18 month old girls!

We installed a fan!  Bring on the heat! (or NOT)

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