Thursday, February 9, 2017

Precious Time with Ella

Some of the time I'm feeling like I can't believe Ella ISN'T starting kindergarten and full-time school next year (she still has 1.5 years) and the other part of the time I'm in shock that she will be starting so soon (because we all know that that 1.5 years will FLY by and be nothing more than a teeny blip on the radar of my child-rearing years).  As the 4th child I feel that she's always been dragged around with me on errands, running the older kids to and from playdates and activities, and just an extra appendage of my body, at times.  Soooo, lately I have been trying to really ENJOY my time with her whenever possible (meaning whenever possible that I am able sit still and really grasp the magic of it all...=rare!) and to do and really breathe in all the little mommy & me activities that I do with her.  Which honestly is NOT a lot.  The running around, riding in the car, doing multiple Target/ grocery store runs with me each week is a (large) chunk of her life.  However, I couldn't pick a better wing-girl for these menial day-to-day tasks.  This girl is a JOY.  A complete sweetheart and my little buddy.  I adore her more than words can express :)

Making muffins


Christmas art project 

(Haha--the 3 above pictures were all from ONE morning back a few months ago.  I had to document my Super-Mom-Ness and the fact that we WEREN'T at Target spending too much money...instead I was being momma of the year!!  See those pics?? PROOF!!  Right?!)

Mommy & Me Cooking class at the new local market: Lazy Acres in Encinitas

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