Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Date with Kyla

Me and my "date" on Saturday night

Wow.  My life is so exciting.  I go on dates with my dog!  I have no shame sharing that either.  Hey, babysitters are expensive so Myke and I don't get to go on many dates.  Kyla, my furry beast, is the next best thing!  Such a submissive date.  I get to pick where we go, what we eat, she doesn't argue with me, etc.  There are limits of course on where we can go since obviously dogs aren't welcome at all the fine eating establishments here in San Diego.  I know I sound pretty sad that my Saturday night out was a date with my dog, but just in case you didn't know, Kyla is the best dog in the world.  She is more deserving for a night out than most dogs out there!  And isn't it proven that time with dogs can lower one's blood pressure.  It's good for the soul!  

The whole things started this past Saturday around 5:30pm when Myke, completely out of the blue, said, "Hey, why don't you go out somewhere tonight.  Go to a spa and get a massage or something."  I was TOTALLY thrown off guard.  I had just planned on hanging low that evening, thinking we would tag-team dinner with the kids, tag-team "3 men in a tub" bath time, and then bed time...and then just collapse on the couch with a glass of wine any other night ;)   What woman DOESN'T want their hubby to offer to do all the night time duties while you go relax at a spa?!   Myke, are you feeling ok??  Wait, who cares...let's just go with this while it's happening!   Unfortunately, 5:30pm was kind of last-minute for scheduling a spa visit...I felt like I needed a little more preparation than that.  I don't go to spas very often, so when I do, I like to do it right.  I like to get there a couple hours before the treatment and use the gym, then shower and use the sauna, jacuzzi, drink the free juices,  lounge in a robe, etc.  I love to make the most of it (I may sound like I'm a pro at "spa-ing" (is that a verb) but I've only done it a handful of times to be honest.).  You can't feel rushed to go to a spa or you miss out on the whole point of it.  That's all I'm saying.  

This could have been me....(but instead see the top photo)

So now my date with my dog is looking EVEN more pathetic than it did in the first paragraph as you now realize that I could have been having a massage or a facial instead!  Well, anyways, I told Myke I would do a rain-check on the spa treatment (and I WILL NOT forget it) and just get out of the house on this night.  I decided to take Kyla as she hadn't gotten out much that day...and I am constantly feeling guilty about her lack of exercise since we've had kids.  I ended up texting a friend and we planned to meet up at Wine Steals- a wine and pizza place here in San Diego.  They have a very nice outdoor patio that is good for Kyla..and good for me!  We had an hour to kill before my friend could meet up so I took Kyla out and spoiled her for a little bit.  Ahhh, just like old times before kids!

First stop Petco where she got to pick a treat & a new toy

playing in the grass with her new toy

At Wine Steals with Faith, Sisha & Kyla

Waiting outside a market we went to afterwards
Such good girls

Anyways, enough about my date with the dog.  It was just a really relaxing evening.  I highly suggest Wine Steals for those in San Diego- they have this awesome deal for two on Saturday nights.  A salad, a 1/2 carafe of wine of your choice, one of their yummy brick-oven pizzas, and two flutes of bubbly all for $35 total.  Great date meal.  If you are going on a date with a human...not a dog.  Faith and I enjoyed it though :)

Some pictures from the past week:

Owen is suddenly an expert at the stairs--he just powers up them.  We have 3 levels in our house.  You turn around for 1 second and he has bolted up to the 3rd floor.  When you get up there to get him he just starts laughing hysterically.  He is SO PROUD of himself!

The kids

Frozen yogurt with mangos on a hot day last week

The boys on a chilly morning

Chloë at the park

Look closely- a 5 PERSON BIKE on the boardwalk!  
Is this in my future?  Not if Myke has anything to do with it!

Chloë insisted on pushing the stroller on our walk to preschool this morning. 
Sounds good to me!

Though she got tired after the first block so she jumped on for a ride for the rest of the way there.


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