Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We be lovin' some solids!

We've been back on the west coast for two weeks already (wow, the time is flying!) and we are back onto some sort of schedule and routine.  I always used to say how much I disliked routines and how I never wanted "to live like that" and that I'd rather live sporadically and by the seat of my pants....well, that changes a lot when you have three small kids.  They THRIVE on routines.   When they thrive, we thrive.  Of course kids are extremely adaptable...and I think it's important that they get used to deviating from their norm every once in awhile...but especially Chloë seems to be more at ease when she is home and back into a more predictable day-to-day life.  

They boys don't really know any different--but they are sleeping MUCH better than they did on the trip.  They sleep solidly from 6pm to somewhere between 4 and 5am.  At that point Owen wakes up crying and wanting to eat.  After feeding Owen I wake up Eli and feed him, though I think he would sleep a couple hours longer before eating if I let him. I'm just not up for trying that because I like them eating on the same schedule throughout the day.  I'm weaning them to more and more bottle feedings now and I'm quickly zipping through the frozen stash of milk in the freezer.  Eli bought himself a one way ticket to all-bottles-all-the-time after he got a tooth last month and then started biting while feeding last week. OUCH!  The good thing is that they have eaten from bottles from the start and they have never had any problems switching between bottle and breast or between formula or mommy's milk.  So that's a definite good thing!  

They've also started eating solids on a daily basis over the past couple weeks.  They've had rice cereal, oatmeal, squash, peas, carrots, apples, sweet potato, bananas and prunes so far.  You're far less paranoid the 2nd time around with the whole waiting-four-days-between-introducing-new-foods thing.  :)


Heather (our good friend and Chloë's godmother) came down from LA to visit us this past weekend.  We got a babysitter Friday night and went out with friends which was a great time.  One of the couples had a baby whom they put down to sleep in the pak-n-play in our room before we all headed out.  So our babysitter had four kids under the age of three she was responsible for.  It was the easiest job ever though since all the kids were already sleeping when she arrived.

  .....Anyways, I just realized that I'm tired and rambling on.  Here are some photos from the weekend that Heather took.  We drove up to the mountain town of Julian on Saturday and there was snow on the ground!  We had planned to go hiking but the trails were closed so we just visited the little Main street, got hot drinks and walked around.  Chloë must have been feeling under the weather because she was totally out of sorts all weekend and just not herself at all.  Luckily, she is seeming back to normal today!   



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No snow on this side of the mountain though!

Heather with the crew


coffee shop in Julian

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