Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stranger Danger

Week two on our own is going well so far.  Of course having our parents here to help was awesome and we definitely miss it, but we are handling it so far.  The babies being on the same eating schedule has been pretty crucial to staying sane.  They eat every 3-4 hours in the day and do one longer stretch (5-8 hours between feedings) at night.  Right now they must be having a growth spurt because they aren't going much over 5 hours at night.  We got spoiled when they did 8 hours a couple times so it's difficult to go back to only 5.

So we had our first encounter with "the stranger who asks inappropriate questions" the other day.  I always hear about this happening.  It's similar to the pregnant woman getting her belly touched in the grocery store, or some other public place, by the complete (but usually well-meaning) stranger.  I never had that happen with either pregnancy.  With Chloë no one was every really sure if I was pregnant or just eating too many burritos right up until my last month because of the way I carried her.  I never got really big in the belly.  With the boys I definitely got bigger and was obviously pregnant sooner, but I was on bed rest so I never experienced the outside world enough to allow the infamous stranger-grope to occur.  So anyways, back to my story- Myke, myself and the kids were enjoying a nice dinner at a pizza joint.  Sitting outside minding our own business.  We had the double stroller with Eli in it and I was holding Owen.  So a woman walks up and oohs and ahhs at Owen and then the conversation went like this:

Woman:  How old is he?

Me:  Almost 2 months.

Woman:  Oh! How much did he weigh at birth?? (Her tone suggested that she was taken aback by his small size...or something like that)

Me: 5lbs6oz.....but he's a twin.  (I nod towards the stroller)

Woman: Oh twins!  Are you breast feeding?

(Just to set the scene: The woman is standing behind Myke who is across from me.  So I can see her but he can't unless he turns completely around..  Though she is close enough to him that he probably felt her hot breath on the back of his neck).  When she asks this Myke and I glance at each other and he starts laughing --shoulders shaking but not making sound.  I try not to laugh.

Me: Yup.

Woman:  How's that going?

Me:  Pretty good, I guess.

Woman:  How far along were you when they were born?

Me:  38 weeks, 1 day

Woman: How was the birth?

Me: It was fine.

Woman:  Was it vaginal?  (are you freakin' kidding me?!  do you really need to know this?)

Me:  No, C-section  (Myke is continuing to shake uncontrollably at the situation).

Haha..I can't remember the rest of the conversation but it basically ended there.  I guess I was just surprised a complete stranger was asking questions like this right off the bat.  The conversation above was it.  No "how are you?"  or asking our names.  Lol.  She then went on to say she had a friend who was currently pregnant with twins.  The woman is 41 and single so this woman, who is her closest friend (according to herself) will have to help out a lot.  She seemed like this was going to be the end of the world for both her and her friend.  She was not looking forward to it.  Anyways, the whole situation was pretty humorous.  Of course after it happens we were thinking up all the funny answers we should have given or things we should have said... but you know how hindsight goes :)

Other than that I don't have too many other funny stories of stranger encounters.  They do get a lot of attention when we are out.  Occasionally, people ask to touch them or ask questions about them.  Mainly, asking their age, if they are both boys, etc.  They don't usually question which way they exited my body.  A woman in Old Navy last week asked if she could tickle their toes and then proceeded to do so before I could even open my mouth.

Anyways, on a different note.  The boys had their 2 month doctor appt yesterday.  Vaccines and all.  But only 2 because I feel more comfortable spreading out their shots instead of getting the 8 at one time like they do for the 2 month appointment.  Don't get me started on the long wait at the doctor office.  Horrendous.  Luckily, the boys were absolute angels and ate and slept while we waited...and waited... and waited.  As for their weights:

Elijah: 12lb 3oz
            23 1/4 inches long

Owen: 11lb 5oz
            22 1/4 inches long.

The gap is closing between them as they both chub up.

Being angels in the doctor office

Owen smiling at the ceiling of his best friends lately

Eli doing what he does best:  chillin'

Owen slumped over napping 

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