Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tales from the Whale...

I try not to complain too much...but some days bed rest is just more difficult than others.  Lately, those more challenging days are seeming more and more frequent.  I feel like a beached whale on a regular basis now.  I guess that I just need to accept that as my new life for awhile.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that rolling over or getting up to walk to the bathroom has become a major feat of strength and endurance.  I can only hope that I don't LOOK as bad as I feel...but I have my doubts (and friends and family who are too nice to tell me otherwise).  

On a good note, I DID get to come home to continue bed rest here for the time being.  My hospital discharge papers said I could do the stairs 1x per day if needed so I'm allowed to come down from my 3rd level tower and join the world of the living on a regular basis.  That's definitely nice and important for my mental state.  It gives me a change of scenery, the chance to spend more time with Chloë (even if just from the couch), and it is easier for Mom & Myke to take care of me when I'm down there.  It is really difficult to have to depend on others for almost everything, but it was much harder earlier on when I physically felt great, yet was confined to the bed.  At this point I almost would just rather not move than deal with trying to lift my enormous beached self.  Man, do I sound disgusting or what? :)   I'm just feeling a little worse than normal the past couple days because I think I picked up a small cold at the hospital.  So I'm congested and have a slight sore throat on top of everything else.  Just feeling run-down.

Anyways, I'm glad the weekend has arrived.  That means Myke is off work and it gives my mom a bit of a break from toddler-wranglin'.  She went and did some shopping and errands today and Myke went on a "get-stuff-done" rampage in the guest room/ future babies room.  Thank goodness he had the energy to plow through a bunch of jobs because we have a lot to get done and we have no idea how much time we have left before life gets even crazier.  I hate not being able to pitch in.  I so badly want to be up and able to help get things in order for the babies.  I want to organize, go shopping for cute little baby things, decorate, spend one-on-one time with Chloë while I can, etc.  I do what I can...but I wish I could do more.  Thank goodness for online shopping!  

So today Myke put together one of the baby cribs (we are only going to put one together for now), installed a ceiling fan, and put together a little storage shelf, all for the twins' room.  I took photos from my spot on the bed.  Chloë loved the new crib and spent almost an hour playing in it with her animals and books.  We kept asking her who the bed was for and she says "da brudders" (the brothers).  Hopefully, she remembers that!   She seems to have some sort of idea about what is going on.  She always pats or kisses my belly and says "brudders" and then counts "one...two...two brudders" and then says "brudders...coming soon!"  Then she tells us that she is going to read to them, play with them, feed them (uh oh...I'm imagining her trying to put raisins in their little mouths!), and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with them.  It's really sweet!  We'll see how she feels once they are actually here!  

Chloë helping daddy with her toy tool set

IKEA crib!  $45 on sale--gotta love a bargain! (and it has great safety ratings/user reviews)

They say fans help reduce risk of SIDS

We need as much storage space as we can get!

1 comment:

  1. You are not a whale! have two babies inside of you. Way to go Myke! Major progress. Sorry you have a cold. Feel better.
