Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Date Night is on the Horizon!

Happy Hump Day!

I had my appointment with Dr. Schrimmer yesterday and all went very well!  The babies looked great, their fluid was fine.  Baby B's fluid pockets (the part they measure) were a bit more challenging to find, but they did finally find some acceptable ones, so that's good news.  No delivering early due to low amniotic fluid, phew!  Does the fun ever end?

My cervix is still somewhere between .5 and .8cm so still really short but hasn't gotten any shorter than it already has been.  This just means that bed rest CONTINUES.  I was kind of hoping they would loosen my restrictions but it's still too early.  Dr. Schrimmer likes to use the guilt trip route to keep me on bed rest, which works for me.  I asked if he thought I could maybe go out to dinner or something one time this week, and he said, "Well, there is still a 5% chance of long term neurological problems with babies born at this gestational age.  I don't know about you, but I personally couldn't live with myself if that happened and I hadn't done everything possible to prevent it.  Yes, 5% is a small chance, but the problem is that I don't know if you are the 5% or the 95%."

Guilt trip accepted.  I will be good this week.

HOWEVER, he said that the chances of long term issues virtually disappears after 32 weeks!  That's only 5 days from now!  32 weeks is a magic number in the preemie world and I'm almost there.  I'm definitely starting to breathe easier.  Also, he said that he didn't think I needed to come back to the office for 2 weeks since there is not much else they can do for me since I've had the steroid shots, etc.  SOOOO, instead of my weekly outing being a doctor appointment next week, he said he didn't see why I couldn't go out to dinner instead!  It really doesn't require any more strain on the body than me getting up, getting dressed, in the car, walking from the car to the doctor's office, etc.  So next week Myke and I are going on a date night!  It will be my FIRST non-medical-related outing since February 2nd (when I went out to eat with friends the night before my first hospital admission)....but who's counting? :)   I CAN'T WAIT!!

As for continued bed rest, he said at least until 34 or 36 weeks stating that "It depends how long you want them to stay in the NICU"... another guilt trip....but it's true.  The longer they stay in, the less time they will have to spend in the NICU.

Chloë saying HI to  "the brothers" before we head out to the doctor's.

31 weeks, 2 days.  (wet spot is from Chloë kissing the brothers)
Weight gain is at an all-time high which is painful to see on the scale.  Luckily (for me), Myke has also gained a few pounds and is still ahead of me in weight...PHEW!  

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