Monday, March 7, 2016

March Cleanse

AGHH!  Did I really skip the entire MONTH of February on this blog?

So much for my New Year's Resolution.


Oh well, moving on.  February was SUPER busy with a birthday celebration happening basically EVERY weekend of the month.  Ella turned 3, Myke turned 37, Kyla turned 9, and Chloë turned 7.   Plus we had two aunts, an uncle and cousin all come into town.  So busy busy busy...that's what we were.  Such a fun month though...if not exhausting at the same time!

Group shot- Christine, Ken (my mom's brother) & Tina (my cousin)
with the kiddos

My handsome hubby on his birthday 

So, I wanted to post here today for one reason: to hold myself accountable in some for or another...because TOMORROW I'm starting a THREE DAY CLEANSE!!  My very first detoxing/rejuvenating/re-engergizing (whatever the reason a person does a cleanse) cleanse! I'm just tired of yo-yoing up and down within the same 5 lbs and I need something to give me a clean slate to continue/re-start eating healthier.  Plus, I've always been curious about cleanses.  I first checked out local juice bars that offer cleanses...but it's insane how pricy they can be!  Plus, I don't have the time to go pick-up my juices every morning.  I'm not sure I have the time to make them myself, either, but we'll see!  I went to Sprouts (grocery store) today and picked up all that I need.  Here are some of the items:
Some of the cleanse ingredients

Here was my final real meal for the next few days: cheese enchilada and Mexican rice..and a spinach salad with Olive Garden dressing...yummy!   And wine.  Indulging 'til the bitter end! 
(it might not look like much...but I totally had seconds)

I'm terrified of being light-headed, having NO energy, having a pounding headache, STARVING etc...None of those are fun on their own, and they are ESPECIALLY not fun when you have to deal with 4 kids while experiencing any, if not all, of them!  

So we'll see how it goes.  I"ll report back tomorrow!  Adios! 

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