Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!

2016 has arrived...before my very eyes!  Yay, for the start of a new year and a fresh start.  I don't really "believe" in New Year's Resolutions as I feel that they set most people up for feelings of failure and frustration, but this year I've decided I'm making one (on top of my need to lose the 5 pounds I gained over the holidays): To Take More Time to Reflect.  That's it.  There are more details of subcategories that go along with that resolution: more ME time, more blogging time, more time to exercise (running or yoga).  All of those are great times to reflect.  I feel so busy with the day-to-day and the routines that I don't stop long enough to enjoy.  Appreciate.  Be grateful.  I've found myself to be experiencing a lot more feelings of stress over the past year than I did in the past.  Yes, being a mommy to four small children and the busy-ness that comes along with that can be stressful at times but lately I feel like the number of stress-feelings has been creeping up and slowly outnumbering the number of happy-feelings, overall.  For me.  In my head.  And I don't like that.  It's not good for me.  Or Myke.  Or the kids.  Or anyone.  Don't worry, I'm not depressed.  Just being aware that I need to make a change.  So I can be a better person.  A better mother.  A better wife.  A better daughter.  A better friend.  I'm not sure if it's the answer...but taking time for reflection (and gratitude) is where I'm going to start.  I know I'm very blessed and have a lot to be thankful for.  I just need to make sure I take the time to remember that!  Daily.  Well, at least weekly??!  :)

Happy New Year!!

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