Friday, April 15, 2011

Recap of Me Over-Doing It...

I'm admitting it--I'm overdoing it.  After 10 weeks of being sedentary (not to mention that I was on a modified bed rest for the first trimester of my pregnancy as well--so we're talking no exercise of any form since basically last summer!) I'm just completely out of shape!  However, I got a little over-excited to have my restrictions lifted and I have been doing more than my body can handle.  It all started out innocently enough, for instance yesterday I decided it would be nice to get my haircut and touched up (after months of neglect).  My mom dropped me off at the hair salon at 9am when it opened--there was no wait at all so I figured it would be a pretty fast visit...but I was there for nearly THREE hours!!  I don't know how it could have possibly taken that long, but I guess my hair was in worse shape than I thought.  That said, if I had a photo of my "new" hair, you probably wouldn't barely notice that it is any different than before.  Oh well, at least it was a good price--$65 for cut, highlights, and style.

After that I headed home and rested on the couch for about 20 minutes before we had to jump in the car to take Chloë to a doctor appointment.  She's had a cold and cough for the past week and a couple times has told us that her ear hurts.  Gramma was paranoid and insisted we get her squeezed in for an appointment to make sure she didn't have an ear infection--she's never had one before so even though she seemed to be on the mend, we decided not to risk it and have her checked out.  Chloë was an absolute angel at the doctor's office.  She was very excited that they were "looking for Easter bunnies" in her ears and was all smiles and happy-little-girl for the doctors (who I'm sure wondered why we even had her there).  She's in the clear, just recovering from a cold.  No ear infection.  All looks well.  She weighs 32.2lbs with clothes and shoes on.

We got home from that around 3:15pm and mom, Chloë and I all took naps.

Grainy photo taken with iPhone

That night I went out with a group of girl friends from my "mom's group" for fondue--first outing with friends in over 2 months!  It was a great time, the food was delicious--I'm not sure how I've made it over 31 years without ever going out for fondue!  I have truly been missing out!  There were 9 of us there and all of us have kids who either just turned 2 or are about to turn 2....not to mention that all but 3 of the 9 women are expecting again.  It was kind of bizarre.  Great time, though!

So anyways, yesterday was a pretty busy day so I thought I would take it a bit easier today.  Instead, I overbooked myself today, as well (Myke just rolls his eyes and says, "she's baaaaack") and ended up having to cancel plans to let myself rest....which is what I'm doing now.  I'm back in bed and relaxing for a few hours.

The one thing I did attempt was a Target run with my mom and Chloë and quickly realized that I'm living in the body of an 85 year old.  I even used one of Target's complimentary motor-scooters to cruise the store and THAT tired me out!  I guess I'm just not quite ready for trips to the store--at least not big stores like Target.  It absolutely exhausted me - I left feeling achey, large and irritable (after going in just feeling large).

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