Until Chloë starts kindergarten. August 18th is the first day. That seems so early! I'm ready and not ready. I'm enjoying having her around now that she is not in preschool. I'm trying to do fun outings with her and just spend as much time with her as I can. Myke and I are so used to being in charge of our own schedules (for the most part) and all of that will change when elementary school starts. We've had the kids in preschool...but for preschool it doesn't matter if you show up 5-10 minutes after the start time. With "real"school WE could get in TROUBLE for being late one too many times. "WE" being Myke and myself. AND, on top of that, we have to be on routine five days a week! Sounds exhausting! Chloë was in preschool only MWF and only 8-noon. So this will be a change for us. Not to mention the preschool we go to is literally around the corner (5 minute walk) and the elementary school is a 10 minute drive. So, we're excited, but just knowing it will take some time to get used to this new routine in the week. This is the first time we'll have one of the six of us have to leave the house for a set amount of time every single day Monday through Friday (Myke works from home). So, it probably sounds like I'm making a big deal about nothing, but my point is, this is just going to be new for us.

4th of July-Neighbhorhood block party
Ella eating a 4th of July treat
Myke's Aunt & Cousin (and her new hubby) from the east coast came to visit
for the afternoon last weekend.
Aunt Patti & Chloë
Newlyweds with Owen & Eli
Watching a World Cup game with my girls
(catching a few minutes of it, anyways!)
Took the kids for a breakfast picnic (Jack N The Box) at the park
on my "final day" with just me and them last Tuesday.
We have family in town for the rest of the Summer.
More hands on deck!
Check out these cheeky monkeys!
Chloë and her skate instructor, Ian
This month will be her final month of lessons as we're backing off all extra-curricular
activities when school starts (at least at first).
Picnic with a preschool friend, Grayson
Our annual passes expired early July so we had to get in a few more
visits before that happened. We'll miss you Legoland!
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