Sunday, January 29, 2012

Teething Times Two...Fun Times...

Both Owen & Elijah are teething.  They already both have their two bottom front teeth but now some of the upper front ones can be seen poking through the top gums.  The amount of drool that comes out of Owen's mouth is amazing.  He is literally a faucet.  I've had to go back to having him wear little bibs during the day or the entire front of his shirt is soaked within minutes.  Eli isn't quite as bad.  Chloë never drooled. Okay, I'm sure she drooled on a rare occasion or two, but nothing like this!  Another "new" thing we are dealing with is the baby who puts EVERYTHING into his mouth.  Again, Owen.  He crawls all over the place and gets into mischief.  Yesterday he was under the kitchen table eating my laptop cord (which was plugged into the wall...that's gone now.  Don't judge.)  He also ate my CVS Extra Bucks!  I had $5!  Gone!  Well, it's not actually gone, per se.  He chewed on it, soaked the paper, swallowed a little of it, decided it wasn't tasty enough, then regurgitated it onto the rug.  So I have the remnants of it: It is not readable but the bar code part is still there.  I put it into a ziplock and we'll see if I'm able to still use it.  My point is, Chloë was never the "put-everything-into-the-mouth" type so I'm not used to this level of baby proofing.  We have to vacuum and clean the floors every single day to make sure we get up any hidden little pieces of things that Owen might try to eat for lunch.  

If we had to label the kids (and we have to, right?  kidding) at this point we'd say the Owen is the funny one, Elijah is more sensitive but easy to smile, and Chloë is the drama queen/daredevil.  Chloë got a bike just two weeks ago.  Her first real bike.  Training wheels and all..and she has just gone WILD with it!  She rides all over the place and goes fast!  After just a week and 1/2 of having it (and not even getting to ride it every day, by any means) she started STANDING UP while peddaling after seeing a man do it on his bike when he was riding up a hill.  So a few days ago while she's out riding on the sidewalk in front of our house she says, "Mommy, watch this!" and she stands up and pedals away.  No bottom on the seat.  The child isn't even 3 years old!   I know I'm new to the toddler thing, but doesn't this seem early???  Like I said, she has barely had the bike for two weeks.  On Friday we took her across the street to the school parking lot where she had a lot of turf to ride on and she just went nuts.  Our neighbors came over to watch her and were amazed with how fearless she is.  They said she's ready for ramps and jumps.  Pretty much. I'm guessing it's part naivety since she has yet to fall down and get hurt.  She wears a helmet (of course! just because I leave easily-accessable lap top power cords plugged into the wall when I have a crawling infant doesn't mean I'm also neglectful with my bike-riding toddler...give me some credit :)), knee & elbow pads.  I'll have to get some footage of her new-found skills.  She can brake (thank God!), turn corners without slowing down (and hence give her mother near-heart attacks), and zig zag around obstacles.  In less than 2 weeks.  Do I see BMX biker in my future?  X games?  I hope not!  

Owen in the dryer.
When Chloë saw this photo she said, "Look Mom, Owen is in the dryer!  He's all clean now!"

That's my Dad in the middle--we see a big resemblance to Elijah!

Don't let the pink shirt and cute smile fool you- this girl is TOUGH STUFF!

Enjoying the warm weather!

Don't they just look like little troublemakers??

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