Sunday, November 13, 2011

The crew
I may have better pics on my camera (the one above was taken on my phone) but I had the boys dressed in their "Little Myke" outfits the other day.  It was pretty cute I must say.  

The Hines family got hit with a nasty cold over the past week.  Chloë seemed to have it first, surprise, surprise!  Preschool will do that to you I guess.  She was just out of sorts last weekend and very cranky.  That's her M.O. when she doesn't feel good.  She just doesn't quite seem herself and is not a happy girl at all.  Who is when they're sick though?  By the end of the week Owen had a little fever for a few hours and was coughing, then Myke & Eli got it Friday.  Eli just got a runny nose & cough but Myke seemed to get the brunt of it.  He just felt really worn down all day Friday and then went to bed at 6pm that night.  My throat hurt a little bit that night but it seemed to be gone by the next afternoon.  Anyways, I'm not sure why I'm giving you the play-by-play of our sickness, but the good news is that we're all pretty much feeling better now.  

The other good news is that boys slept until at least 5AM the past 2 days in a row!  I'm HOPING this trend will continue!  When I say they slept until 5am I mean that they don't wake up to eat until that time.  After they eat they go back to sleep until about 7am (though it has varied lately).  They go down for bed by 6:30pm so sleeping until 5am is a nice, long stretch.  It's one I can deal with!  The 3am wake-up was much more painful for me.  

Chloë & Sammy (twins?)

Today Chloë's little friend Samantha came over for a play date for a few hours.  Myke and I loaded the kids up in our strollers.  The babies were in the double snap-n-go and the toddlers were in the double Bob jogging stroller.  We headed to Starbucks to get drinks (apple juice for the kids) and then to the PB Rec Center for this open play gym for kids they have every Sunday.  Oh man, did we get a lot of attention with the four kids.  We must have been a sight to see with the 2 huge strollers.  We get a lot of attention and comments when we're out with just the 3 kids...but with Sammy with us it looked like we had 2 sets of twins.  Chloë & Sammy probably look more alike than Eli & Owen do! 

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