The kids headed back to school today, August 17, 2021. All four started today, Chloë off to middle school and the younger three back to Paul Ecke Central Elementary. Middle school is only 7th & 8th grades and then you head to high school. Ella is headed into 3rd grade, the boys into 5th grade and Chloë into 7th grade.
Myke isn't excited at all about back-to-school
Love these boys!
Summer wasn't particularly long, just about 2 months exactly, but we packed a lot into those weeks. Myke and I went to Oregon for a family wedding, then all 6 of us did a trip to the east coast. We did week at the Jersey Shore, a few days in New York City and some time at my in-law's house outside of Philadelphia. I also took a solo side trip via train down to Richmond, VA to help my parents pack up their house. They have since closed on the sale of their house and have driven across country to Nevada, where they are looking at possible future homes. We'll see where they end up!
Here are a few old photos from June from Chloë's 6th grade promotion. It was a big day for us, saying goodbye to her elementary school after 7 great years there. By the end of 6th grade these kids are big and just don't fit in in the elementary school setting. They are definitely ready to move on. It's just an end of an era after 7 years in Spanish immersion. That program was a leap of faith and I am super impressed with where it took Chloë with the language. It's just hard to believe that it's done! There is one class offered for 7th grade that is taught in Spanish, which I'm thrilled about. I can't imagine just being DONE with Spanish after so many years immersed in it. Such a shame to think about in my opinion.
6th Grade Promotion (6/17/21)
Uncle Hale
with friends and her 6th grade teacher (tan dress)
First day of kinder and last day of 6th
Last day of School 2021
Promotion Celebratory dinner with friends
Going to end here and enjoy my first day of quiet in SUCH A LONG TIME.
More soon!