*Apology in advance..it's 10pm and I've been up since 4am. My eyes are burning as I stare at the screen and I keep nodding off as I'm typing this. I should just stop and go to bed...but if I do that I'll NEVER get a post done. This is THE time I have. It is what it is. It's just unfortunate as I know my brain is half-asleep and therefore my writing suffers, my grammar suffers, and it's just putting the words out there versus actual entertaining writing. Like I said, it is what it is. I'm powering through this.
It all started with Ella going with me on my trip to Portland & Seattle back in early Fall 2016. She pretty much HAD to travel with me as Myke works full-time, the older 3 were in school full-time, and we had no one who could watch Ella while I went away. I hadn't realized that taking my youngest along with me would spark such a jealously among the others. Now they all wanted "a trip with mommy". Myke and I chatted, pondered and eventually decided that it could be a good thing for us to do more significant one-on-one time with the kids than an occasional run to Target or the even-more-rare one-on-one dinner out. I loved the idea of getting to know my kiddos a little better and having that special time with each one. They're growing up so fast and the time is just slipping away in a haze of busy-ness and obligations and school and homework and dinner and piano and softball and dodgeball and swimming lessons x4 and....need I say more?
So I took Owen on a little getaway overnight to Knott's Berry Farm last month. It was short and sweet. We headed up Saturday morning, spent the day a the theme park, stayed in the hotel next to the theme park and headed home the next day. We had a blast. We rode rides, I tricked Owen into a going on a roller coaster (by pretending we were in line for a different easy-peasy baby ride that was right next to the roller coaster and then quickly throwing him into the seat and locking the lap bar before he could protest too much), we watched "live" Charlie Brown shows (Knott's Berry Farm is Snoopy themed), we bought silly souvenirs, we ate at the hotel restaurant, we lounged in bed eating candy apples covered in M&M's and watching cartoons, we took a dip in the hotel's hot tub, we played arcade games and won Shopkins stuffed toys. We had fun! (Or at least I did...and I THINK he did?!! Looking at the pics below makes me question that a bit!)

Owen was LESS of a fan of characters than I really realized. This was right when we got to the park and he was NOT excited AT ALL about meeting Snoopy.
Finally would only look at the camera when I held him.
Snoopy's Chair was cool, though
Again, I'm HAPPY and he's NOT so much...but the roller coast was fun!!
(for me!)
We were FIRST in line for this carousel ride and I told Owen he could pick ANY animal
he wanted to ride. He picked the granny sleigh!! Wha?!?!
He's such a big adrenaline-junkie!
Hot tub time in January!